This is a 1 year course for the students appearing in Class 10th Exam in 2025.
What will you get in this course:
- Study from Kota’s Top IITian & Doctor Faculties.
- 10000+ Solved Qs
- Class 10th complete Mathematics, Social Science, English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology Video Lectures with best Visualization.
- 170+ Fully Solved Topic-wise segregated Practice Sheets - Concept Builder, Brain Booster with homework index and Competitive Corner for Olympiad.
- Date wise Timetable
- Doubt Solving Tool
- Chapter wise PYQs of Last 10+ years with solutions.
- Best Chapter-wise Colourful SHORT Notes (Mind Maps)
- Topic Wise Tests and AIOTs based on Latest Pattern.
- Periodic Group Sarthee Guidance
Faculties of this course:
Kota’s Top Doctors, IITian faculties and Veterans of Humanities
- Mathematics: NK Gupta Sir (IIT Kanpur. Ex-Vice President at ALLEN, Kota)
- Physics: Saransh Sir ( IIT JEE - AIR-41, B. Tech IIT-Bombay, Ex. Allen Faculty )
- Chemistry: Prateek Sir (B. Tech IIT-Bombay, Online Expert)
- Biology: Dr. Anshuman Agarwal Sir (AIPMT(NEET) - AIR-196, RPMT - ARR-46, Ex-HOD Biology, Resonance)
- Social Science: Diksha Shivani Ma’am (Psychology & HRM, University of Delhi, UNESCO, Arrow Malaysia).
Video Lectures
- Class 10th complete Mathematics, Social Science, English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology Video Lectures of 175+ hours.
- Best Visualization
- 100% Concept Clarity
- All videos will be available till course validity.
- Unlimited playback for all videos.
- High-quality video resolution.
- 0.75x to 2x Playback speed.

Study Material
- Kota’s Best Study Material (All chapter Sheets PDFs on App.)
- 170+ Topic-wise Practice Sheets with Complete Solutions.
- 10+ years Chapter wise PYQs with SOLUTIONS.
Test System
- Topic Wise Tests.
- AIOTs based on Latest Pattern.
- Best Chapter-wise Colourful SHORT Notes - Mind Maps (Every Topper’s Choice)
Sarthee Guidance
- Periodic Sarthee sessions
Doubt Solving:
- Detailed Solutions
- Doubt Solver Tool (DOST)
Once Course is purchased there will be no refund made in any case.
After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.
You can access your courses in the following ways :
- From Android app, you can download the app from here